Sports Premium

PE and Sports Premium

Priorities for development:

  • To increase children's participation in a wide range of sport and some competitions
  • To monitor and support the teaching of all aspects of PE through quality and meaningful CPD
  • To monitor the involvement of non active pupils
  • Introduce a weekly yoga lesson to some classes
  • Train teachers in the teaching of yoga to children
  • To monitor the involvement of boys, girls, SEND children and Pupil Premium children 
  • To engage more children in leading and managing competitions
  • To monitor and observe lessons across school and to provide feedback to class teachers and establish any CPD requirements
  • To inform pupils of a wide range of sports available in school
  • To continue to order new PE equipment according to use and condition
  • To promote a healthy lifestyle and healthy meal choices for children through healthy eating workshops
  • To encourage children to take part in daily exercise through the daily mile
  • To celebrate sporting achievements in school
  • To encourage less confident children to attend a sports related club after school
  • To enhance the teaching and learning of PE through professional coaches providing CPD
  • To educate and inspire children to have healthy lifestyles and to try a range of sports

Anticipated Impact

  • Children will have the confidence and compotence to take part in a range of sports competitions and physical sport within and outside of school
  • The children will have the opportunity to compete at school and regional levels
  • Children will develop key skills through PE lessons and extra curricular activities
  • Teachers' assessment of pupils' abilities will be able to identiofy clear next steps for future provision
  • Less active pupils will be idenitifed and encouraged to take part in sport and to develop a positive attitude towards sport and a healthy life style
  • Numbers of boys and girls taking part in sport will be identified and monitored to ensure that there is an equal attendance of genders
  • Teachers' CPD will ensure that children are being effectively taught the key skills from the National Curriculum
  • Children will be aware of a range of sports that they can take part in to encourage increased participation
  • Children will be more informed about healthy life styles
  • Children will experience a range of sports that could impact their attitude towards fitness and healthy living


The impact of this funding will be measured through;

  • Pupil questionnaires measuring the interest of children in different areas of the PE curriculum and impact upon well being
  • Teacher questionnaires measuring the interest of children in different areas of the PE curriculum
  • An improvement in the quality of teaching in Physical Education and sport through lesson observations
  • The progress and attainment of pupils
  • Increased numbers of children engaging in competitions and clubs, including less active children

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Eccleston Cof E Primary School, Eaton Road, Eccleston, Chester, Cheshire CH4 9HD