About Eccleston

Built in 1875, Eccleston CE Primary Eccleston CE Primary is a small, unique school in the idyllic village of Eccleston just outside Chester. Our beautiful building is partly Grade 2 listed and boasts an impressively equipped playground as well as a spacious field. Both the playground and the field provide excellent sports facilities. Being so close to the Duke of Westminster’s Estate gives us ideal opportunities to explore the local countryside as part of our exciting curriculum.


"Staff have high expectations for pupils' behaviour and achievement. Pupils achieve well.  Aded to this, pupils behave well in lessons and during less structured time.  Pupils said that if bullying happened, staff would quickly sort out any concerns."

-Ofsted June 2022


We currently have four classes;

Class 1 – Reception and Year 1

Class 2 – Years 2 and 3

Class 3 – Years 4 and 5

Class 4 – Year 6


"Parents and carers report that the school is a 'special place'.  They said that staff know pupils well.  Parents appreciate the care that staff show towards their children.  Everyone feels valued."

-Ofsted June 2022


Class sizes range from 15 – 30 and the average class size is currently 25. We have the equivalent of 2 full time and 3 part time teachers plus 6 excellent Teaching Assistants.

Our exam results are consistently good and often outstanding, as validated by recent Ofsted inspections. Ofsted rated us as “Good” overall with outstanding leadership & management and behaviour and safety in March 2017 and SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) rated us as outstanding in all areas in October 2016.


"Leaders have ensured that the curriculum is ambitious and organised appropriately from the Reception class to Year 6.  The curriculum identifies what pupils will learn and when this content should be delivered."

-Ofsted June 2022


We are committed to high quality learning for all within the values and virtues of the Christian tradition. The Christian values underpinning our school are;

Love, Joy & Celebration, Friendship, Forgiveness, Thankfulness and Trust. Father Roger Clarke from St Mary’s Church regularly leads worship in school and we visit Church several times a year to take part in special services.


Our curriculum is rich and varied and regularly enhanced by trips outside school or visitors into school. Individual instrumental music lessons are available in school at a small cost. All our classrooms are fitted with interactive whiteboards and we have an ever growing collection of i-pads for pupils use.


“Teachers have strong expertise."

-Ofsted June 2022


We are proud to offer a range of after school activities throughout the year, such as Choir, French, Drama & Dance, Cricket, Football, Multi-sports, and Sewing.

We work closely with the Dee Schools Partnership, which comprises of other local primary schools as well as Queens Park High and Chester Catholic High.


“This is a fantastic school where every child is loved and known.” - Parent


Starting in Reception

Once your child has been offered a place in Reception for the term following their 4th birthday, you and your child will be invited into school for a range of induction activities.


The school is extremely successful in creating a loving, caring and inclusive environment rooted in Christian values. This has a direct influence on pupils’ well-being and progress.” – SIAMS report, October 2016


Our reception teacher, Susanne Wearden, will make a home visit at your convenience to chat to you and your child in the home environment and you will be invited in as parents to an information evening in the July before your child is due to start. Mrs Wearden also visits any local nurseries or playgroups where children will be starting at Eccleston. Your child will also be invited into school for two half days (you can accompany them if you wish) for some taster sessions.

Parent Teacher Association

The Eccleston Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is well established and highly active. Several fund raising events across the year bring the parents together socially and raise monies which are spent directly on the children, e.g. whole school trips to the theatre, subsidising curriculum trips and organising discos. You are automatically a member as soon as your child is offered a place.


“The school has a track record of pupils’ high attainment and strong progress in reading. 2016 was no different, with the progress made by the cohort of Year 6 pupils among the top 10% of all schools.” – OFSTED March 2017



You will be invited to our Sports Afternoon, also in July, where your child can participate in the pre-school race and then you can enjoy a barbeque with other new and existing parents at the school.


In September, you will be invited to have school lunch with your child which is also an opportunity to meet their Year 6 ‘buddy’ – a mentor who will be at hand to help your child during assemblies, playtimes and lunchtimes for the early weeks in school.


Once started, Mrs Wearden holds regular ‘sharing afternoons’ where you can view your child’s work and more formal parents evenings are held twice a year.


“This is a welcoming and friendly village school.  Leaders, governors and staff are ambitious for all pupils, including those who are disavantaged or who have special educational needs and/or disabilities.  Pupils said that they feel happy, safe and secure."

-Ofsted, June 2022


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Eccleston Cof E Primary School, Eaton Road, Eccleston, Chester, Cheshire CH4 9HD