Phonics and Reading

We use the Read, Write Inc programme to teach reading and phonics at Eccleston Primary School.  Children are regularly assessed and grouped according to their current level of phonic knowledge and skill.  These groups are fluid and children will move across groups throughout the year.  Sessions take place daily and staff are specifically trained in the programme.

Children in Rabbits class will bring home at least one Read Write Inc book each week which is closely matched to their current phonic knowledge and as such, should be fully decodable.  These will be supplemented with a book for pleasure, chosen from our library.  This book will probably not be fully decodable for your child yet so the expectation is nor for the child to read this book themselves.  We believe very strongly that children will develop a love of reading through experiencing success when reading at home and having quality story time with a wide range of books.

The best way to help your child succeed in reading, and indeed across the curriculum, is to hear them read and share and discuss a variety of reading materials as often as you can.  We urge to strive for five times a week.  This is to develop and embed good reading habits that will help them to be successful in school and beyond.  Throughout school, high quality books and other reading resources in the classrooms, help  to inspire and motivate children to read.

At the end of Year 1, all our children take a national check on their phonic knowledge.  

If you have any questions about reading in our school or your child's progress, please do not hesitate to speak to your child's teacher or contact Mrs Rees-Wright, Literacy Lead, or Mrs Wearden, Early Reading Lead. 


Eccleston Cof E Primary School, Eaton Road, Eccleston, Chester, Cheshire CH4 9HD