Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium


The Pupil Premium grant was introduced in April 2011 and is allocated to schools to work with pupils who have been registered for free school meals (FSM).  Schools also receive funding for children who are looked after continuously for more than six months (Children in Care) and children of Armed Service Personnel.

This additional funding is given to schools so that they can support disadvantaged pupils and close the attainment gap between them and their peers.  The government beleives that the Pupil Premium grant is the best way to address current underlying inequalities by ensuring that this funding reaches the pupils who need it most.


The government beleive that Headteachers and school leaders should decide how to use the Pupil Premium grant.  Schools are free to spend the grant as they see fit to 'close the gap' between children from disadvantaged circumstances and those above the low-income threshold.  It is not linked to a specific child but is used for overall impact.  We are accountable for how we have used this additional funding to support children from low income families.

At Eccleston CE Primary School, we are committed to 'closing the gap' and the additional funding has a significant impact in improving the life chances of our children.

Our Pupil Premium Strategy

At Eccleston, we ensure that each child's allocated Pupil Premium funding is spent directly on that child with measurable outcomes that can demonstrate impact. Assessment  is carried out, together with input from families, with the aim that each individual child's specific needs and carriers to learning are identified.  Some funding is used to fund whole school initiatives that will benefit the social and emotional needs of all children, including those who have previously been looked after.

Summary of the main barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils of the school

A high proportion of our Pupil Premium funding is allocated to children who are adopted and have been previously in care.   We have, therefore, identified the main barriers to achievement as emotional & social well-being and attachment.

Our data also shows that progress in phonics has a downward trend.  We have therefore decided to invest heavily in developing reading skills for all.

Summary of how the Pupil Premium allocation is spent

  • Whole school trauma informed training
  • Play therapy
  • Emotional Literacy Support Training
  • Vocabulary and language skills development - including purchasing of resources and staff training
  • Reading development - including 1:1 support and early reading strategies

How we measure the impact

Pupils are assessed in line with out school assessment policy.  Pupil progress meetings are held termly where strengths are celebrated and areas for further improvement identified. For non-academic subjects, we use pupil voice and qualitative data collated from parents and staff to assess the impact of this on the emotional well-being and mental health of the child.

Our Pupil Premium strategy is reviewed termly with the Pupil Premium governor and reported at Full Governing Body meetings.



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Eccleston Cof E Primary School, Eaton Road, Eccleston, Chester, Cheshire CH4 9HD